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sábado, 9 de febrero de 2013



The structured course Phonetics and Phonology I aims to conduct the students to accomplish the required knowledge in order to analize the speech through Structural Phonology and its application in Teaching English to students of other Languages (TESOL). Mainly, analizing the skills Speaking-Listening and specially centered in the fact that implies the mechanism in which the Speech sounds are produced by the Human Beings in relation to their articulation through the organs of the speech and the acoustic of the resultant sounds and finally, the message emited through the speech process and how that message is listened by the hearer or the message receiver.

The two main branches of Phonetics and Phonology are Structural and Generative Phonetics and Phonology. The course Phonetics and Phonology I is mainly dedicated to study and analize the speech through Structural Phonology while the course that follows this one; Phonetics and Phonology II studies and analizes the speech through Generative Phonetics and Phonology to apply the obtained knowledge in specifical cases of teaching the English Language.

Unit I. Introduction to Phonetics. Phonetics. Branches of Phonetics. The organs of Speech. The articulation of Speech Segments. Points and manners of articulation. Phonology. Phonetics and Phonology. Minimal pairs. Criteria to clasify sounds as members of the same phoneme. The consonant phonemes of English and Spanish. Transcription.

Unit II. Consonant sounds. Stops. Fricatives. Affricates. Nasals. Laterals. Approximants. Voiced Retroflex. Semivowels. Palatal semivowel. Labiovelar semivowel. Phonological Processes: Assimilation. Coalescence. Elision. Haplology. Metathesis.

Unit III. Vowel sounds. Clasification of the vowel sounds. The Cardinal vowels. The transcription of the vowel sounds. Comparison of some systems for transcribing vowel sounds. Symbols used for transcribing English and Spanish vowels. Articulatory description of the vowel souds in English. Front vowels. Back Vowels. Central vowels. Dipthongs sounds. Clasification of dipthongs Description of the front closing dipthongs. Description of the back closing dipthongs. Centring dipthongs.

Unit IV. The syllable. The psycological reality of the syllable. Syllable production and recognition. Syllabic segments. Syllable structure. Coda restrictions. Onset restrictions.

Unit V. Suprasegmentals. Stress. Word stress. Phrase stress. Intonation.